A scanning electron microscope image of a single neutrophil (yellow), engulfing anthrax bacteria (orange).
Immune system
An immune system is a collection of biological processes within an organism that protects against disease by identifying and killing pathogens and tumour cells. It detects a wide variety of agents, from viruses to parasitic worms, and needs to distinguish them from the organism's own healthy cells and tissues in order to function properly. Detection is complicated as pathogens can evolve rapidly, A
producing adaptations that avoid the immune system and allow the pathogens to successfully infect their hosts.
To survive this challenge, multiple mechanisms evolved that recognize and neutralize pathogens. Even simple unicellular organisms such as bacteria possess enzyme systems that protect against viral infections. Other basic immune mechanisms evolved in ancient eukaryotes and remain in their modern descendants, such as plants, fish, reptiles, and insects. These mechanisms include antimicrobial peptides called defensins, phagocytosis, and the complement system. Vertebrates such as humans have even more sophisticated defense mechanisms.[1] The immune systems of vertebrates consist of many types of proteins, cells, organs, and tissues, which interact in an elaborate and dynamic network. As part of this more complex immune response, the human immune system adapts over time to recognise specific pathogens more efficiently. This adaptation process is referred to as "adaptive immunity" or "acquired immunity" and creates immunological memory. Immunological memory created from a primary response to a specific pathogen, provides an enhanced response to secondary encounters with that same, specific pathogen. This process of acquired immunity is the basis of vaccination.
Disorders in the immune system can result in disease. Immunodeficiency occurs when the immune system is less active than normal, resulting in recurring and life-threatening infections. Immunodeficiency can either be the result of a genetic disease, such as severe combined immunodeficiency, or be produced by pharmaceuticals or an infection, such as the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) that is caused by the retrovirus HIV. In contrast, autoimmune diseases result from a hyperactive immune system attacking normal tissues as if they were foreign organisms. Common autoimmune diseases include Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes mellitus type 1 and lupus erythematosus. Immunology covers the study of all aspects of the immune system which has significant relevance to human health and diseases. Further investigation in this field is expected to play a serious role in promotion of health and treatment of diseases.
Do you need a healthy immune system? Are you concerned about free-radical causing pollutants? Can we find the food supplements that can boost our immune system and get rid of free-radical in the market?
Fortunately we are able to secure these food supplements in the market, either in the form of pills, powder or juices.
But the drawback of these products like pills only 10% to 50% are
absorbed into our body, and it needs 2 to 4 hours to be absorbed into
our blood system. It need water for us take them.
Powders need to be mixed with water. It is inconvenient and bad taste.
Juices need to be refrigerated after the bottle has been opened and bulky and cannot be carried anywhere, if we are on the go.
However, one wellness company has developed a gel suspension
technology, whereby these nutrients that contain the immune system
booster and anti-oxidation are packed in a portable 20ml packets,
that can be carried in the handbag, briefcase and need no refrigeration.
It can be easily consumed.
Two of Their Products are:
Click to Watch
Variety is the spice of life and helps to sustain it too. By combining a wide variety of exotic fruits and plant extracts, EXO provides you with a complete spectrum of antioxidants critical to a long and healthy life.
The best natural ingredients.
EXO is a unique and perfectly balanced blend of exotic fruits and plant extracts. Some of these fruits and extracts are already well-known and well-regarded by those interested in health and well-being. These celebrated sources of health include seabuckthorn, mangosteen, and a’ai, to name a few. But EXO also contains many, many other sources of anti-oxidants in a rich and tasty blend.
The best are even better together.
Each of these exotic fruits and plant extracts is incredibly good for your health, but they’re even better together. Which means that EXO contains a wider range of nutritive qualities than products that offer only one active ingredient. EXO’s unique combination of ingredients offers you literally hundreds of naturally occurring antioxidants in the same convenient serving.
Lose free radicals and gain better health.
Antioxidants are essential to living well. They’re also essential to preventing cellular damage, thanks to their ability to neutralize free radicals. What does this mean for you? It means that EXO may help your body deal with the added stress of a hectic lifestyle and an environment full of pollutants. In fact, getting rid of free radicals can actually slow down the symptoms of the aging process.*
Did You Know - Agel EXO
What can EXO do for you?
Here are just a few of the many potential benefits:
* Contains hundreds of naturally occurring antioxidants*
* Shields the body from free radicals*
* Combats signs of normal, age-related decline*
* Boosts immune function activity*
Click to Watch
Fucoidan is one of the most exciting nutritional discoveries of the last decade, so it's important that millions discover it for themselves. UMI is rich in this amazing ingredient derived from brown seaweed, which for centuries has been heralded by cultures with famously long life spans.
Find out what many have known for centuries.
In coastal and island cultures around the world, fucoidan-rich brown seaweed has been considered a staple of healthy nutrition for centuries. It looks like they were on to something. Their choice to include seaweed in their diet is now supported by science. There are hundreds of studies already published about the potential health benefits of fucoidan, and many other health experts and scientists are now exploring the possibilities of this incredible nutrient.
Improve your immune system.
Fucoidan has been shown to sustain and promote better health. It also helps promote the health of white blood cells, and supports their production in the body. Healthy white blood cells are a critical part of your body's imuno-response.
What can UMI do for you?
Here are just a few of the many potential benefits:
* Helps replace dead cells enabling tissue and organ regeneration*
* Supports the immune system by increasing healthy white blood cells*
* Provides assistance to the circulatory and cardiac system in maintaining normal blood flow and cardiac function*
* Assists in inducing apoptosis – the natural means by which organisms eliminate harmful cells*
* Supports proper liver and kidney function*
Many people don't fully understand the extreme
importance of controllong free radicals cellular
damage in the body. A Free radical is an unstable
oxygen molecule that must find another electron
to make itself complete. In order to do this, the
free radical begins randomly bombarding the
body's cells, resulting in injury to the surrounding
cell tissue.
[Banyak orang yang tidak memahami betapa
perlunya mengawal kerosakan berpunca dari
bahana radical bebas didalam tubuh badan.
Radical bebas adalah molukul oksegen yang
mesti mencari elektron lain untuk melengkapkan
dirinya. Untuk berbuat demikian radical bebas
akan menyerang sel dalam tubuh badan,
menyebabkan kecerderaan tissue sel disekelilingnya.]
The damage from free redicals can be contained
by antioxidants. Antioxidants stop free radidals
damage by donating an electron without
becoming a damaging free radicals themselves.
The problem in today's society is that because
the lack of proper nutrition and exercise, the number
of free radicals in our bodies vastly outnumbers the
number of antioxidants. This leads to premature
aging and chronic disease.
[Kerosakan yang dilakukan oleh radical bebas
boleh dikawal oleh anti-oxidant. Anti-oxidant
mengawal radical bebas dengan mendermakan
electron tanpa dirinya menjadi radical bebas.
Masaelah masyarakat sekarang ialah dengan
sebab kurangnya makanan berkhasiat dan
senaman, bilangan radical bebas didalam tubuh
badan kita melebehi bilangan anti-oxidant.
Ini menyebabkan ketuaan sebelum tempohnya
dan penyakit kronik.]
The traditional use of Limu Moui for its powers
attests to fucoidan's abilities. Island and coastal
inhabitants have used this sea plant as a topical
ointment and as ingested treatment for illness.
Fucoidan have been shown to help with the
following functions:
Enhance immunity
Relieve stomach disorders
Fight allergies
Improve and support liver function
Inhibit blood clotting
Fight against free radicals
Lower cholesterol levels
Promote healthy skin
Decrease high blood pressure
[Pengunaan tradisional Limu Moui atas kuasanya
menunjukkan kebolehan fucoidan. Penduduk2
pulau dan persisiran pantai telah lama
menggunakan rumpai laut ini sebagai ubat
luaran dan dimakan untuk mengubati
penyakit. Fucoidan telah menunjukkan
menolong kegiatan berikut:
Memperkasakan sistem pertahanan
immuniti tubuh badan
Melegakan sakit2 perut
melawan allergi
menambahpuleh dan memkuat hati
melawan kebekuan darah
melawan radical bebas
menurunkan kelestrol
menjaga kesehatan kulit
mengurangkan tekanan darah}
Diabetes and Kidney Disease
Diabetes is a diesease in which the human body does not produce
or properly use insulin. Insulin is a hormone that is needed to
convert food into energy. Beta cells in the pancreas make the insulin.
The exact cause of diabetes is a mystery. What is not a mystery is
that modern lifestyles aggravate the diesease, due to the lack of
proper diets and exercise. There is also a genetic diabetec factor
that there is no way of preventing or predicting.
Kidney disease is greately aggravted by diabetes. Increase in the
number of people developing kidney failure appear to parallel the
rise in diabetes, which is the leading cause of kidney failure. More
than 8 million American have seriously reduced kidney function.
Sadly, the number diagnosed with kidney failure has double each decade
for the fast two decades and will likely continue to do so.
Healthy kidneys help clean the body's blood supply and help to insure
overall health in the body. The Department of Medicine at the Medical
University of Warsaw, Poland, conducted a study on acute renal failure.
They discovered that the administration of fucoiden significantly
increase postishemic renal blood flow. This increased blood flow
hows that fucoiden may have a renoprotective, kidney-proctecting, activity
UMI and Cancer
According to the American Cancer Society, cancer is the second
leading cause of death in America. One out of two men and one
out of every three women will be diagnosed with cancer in their
lifetime. It is expected that in the next year alone, more than
1.2 million people in the United States will bediagnosed with
[Menurut kenyataan Persatuan Barah Amerika, barah merupakan
pembunuh kedua di Amerika. Tiap2 seorang daripada dua orang
lelaki dan seorang daripada tiga orang perempuan akan di dignos
dengan barah dalam tempoh hayatnya. Adalah dijangka ditahun
hadapan sahaja lebeh 1.2 juta rakyat Amerika
akan didignos dengan penyakit barah]
While there is no cure for cancer, there are four types of accepted
treatments: surgery, radiation, chemotheraphy and biological therapies.
Of the four treatments, biological therapies are the least known.
Biological therapiesinvolve boosting the body natural defences. Cells
have Natural defences against cancer, and the immune system will
also attach cancerous growth. By introducing substances into the
body that boost these respenses,some cancer can be successfully
treated.Fucoidan's ability to help control the proliferation of
cancerous cells as well as the ability to boost the body immune
system has been widely researched in laboratories across the
world. Starting in Japan, researches discovered that by
introducing fucoidan to cancerous cells the cancer was
destroyed. This study showed that cancer cells in a laboratory
dish were completely wiped out within 72 hours of
being treated with fucoidan.
[Sungguh pun tidak ada ubat yang boleh menyembuhkan
penyakit barah, terdapat empat cara untok mengubati penyakit
barah: pembedahan, radiasi, kemotrafi dan perubatan secara
bioloji. Daripada keempat2 jenis perubatan, perubatan secara
bioloji yang paling tidak dikenali. Perubatan secara bioloji
membabitkan memperkasa pertahanan badan semula jadi.
Sel2 mempunyai pertahanan semula jadi untuk melawan penyakit
barah, dan sistem immunisasi badan akan membantutkan
pertumbuhan sel barah. Dengan mengadakanbahan2 kedalan
tubuh badan yang memperkasakan pertahanan semula jadi
tubuh badan, penyakit barah boleh disembuhkan. Kebolehan
Fucoidan menolong mengawal pertumbuhan sel barah dan
juga kebolehannya memperkasakan sistem imunisasi tubuh
badan telah banyak diselidiki dimakmal seluruh dunia.
Bermula dari Jepun, hasil penyelidekan menunjukkan dengan
memasokkan fucoidan kedalan sel barah, sel2 barah terhapus.
Penyelidekan ini menunjukkan sel barah didalam piring
makmal dihapuskan sama sekali dalam masa 72 jam
setelah fucoidan dibubuh.]
These and other studies have led researches to seriously
study fucoidan's apparent ability to fight cancer. Scientists
have discovered that fucoidan may fight cancer in three
major ways. First, it may reverse the cancer process
also been shown to be an anti-tumor again and thereby
decreases tumor activity. Lastly, fucoidan may be used
to increase the body's natural defence mechanism
found within our immune system.
[Penyelidekan ini dan lain2 penyelidikan telah membuatkan
para penyelidek membuat penyelidekan yang bersungguh2
tentang kebolehan fucoidan melawan penyakit barah. Para
ahli sains mendapati bahawa fucoidan melawan penyakit
barah dengan tiga cara. Pertama, dia merencatkan proses
pertumbuhan barah juga yang menunjukkan anti-ketumbuhan
yang menyebabkan melemahkan proses pertumbuhan barah.
Akhirnya, fucoidan boleh digunakan sebagai memperkasakan
sistem pertahanan tubuh badan semula jadi didalam sistem
What can OHM do for you?
Here are just a few of the many potential benefit:
* Support your daily energy and focus
* Help you efficiently convert food to energy
* May help support energy and concentration during
athletic performance
* Assist your immune system
* Minimizes fatigue during normal daily activities
* May increase your capacity for physical and mental work
What can FIT do for You?
Here are just a few of the many potential benefit:
* Now with Hoodia may help suppress the appetite
* May inhabit fat synthesis
* May increase the burning of fat
* Support healthy reduction in your body weight
* Help the body 's normal production of serotonin
* Can increase the effectiveness of a weight loss
program over diet and exercise alone
* Help balance emotional feelings
* Is 3-times more effective than diet and exercise alone
* Maintains healthy cholestoral level within already
normal level
* Reduce Body Mass Index (BMI) to healthier level
Spirulina and Chlorophyll to clense, detoxfy the body and support the disgestive system
What can GRN do for you?
* restore regular elimination and assist digestion
*increase energy, naturally, without stimulants
*reduce appetite, improve metabolism, assist weight loss efforts
*support a healthy cardiovascular system
*support immune system
*support mental acuity
*detoxify the body from toxin metals and chemicals
*help slow aging of the skin and dulling og the hair
*clense the colon
*support friendly bacteria
The Master Antioxidant
For thousands of years explorers have scoured the globe searching for that one elusive
substance that would prolong life and restore youth. Modern science has since discovered
that the very substance others have searched for is already here. It is called Glutathione
and it resides in every cell in your body. There is only one problem, as we age and when
we get sick Glutathione levels decrease. Enter Agel GSH, GSH helps support the bodys
Glutathione levels. Longevity and health start on the cellular level, which is exactly where
GSH works. GSH was designed to support glutathione levels in your cells. Glutathione is
extremely important for maintaining intracellular health because of its strong antioxidant
effects, the ability to remove chemicals, and pollutants on a cellular level. By regenerating
glutathione levels and attacking the problem at the source GSH is a powerful ally that
keeps you feeling healthy and vibrant
Benefits include*
• Superior protection of your cells, tissue structures and organs keeping you
healthy and vibrant.
• Supports normal cellular detoxification.
• Promotes recovery and athletic performance.
• Supports the immune system on a cellular level.
• Works synergistically with Agel’s other products to maximize your potential
Scientific Summary
What is Glutathione?
Glutathione is a molecule produced and found in each living cell of your body.
It is responsible for:
• Increasing vitality by rejuvenating damaged cells and repairing DNA.
• Keeping you healthy because it is the master antioxidant, the only one found in every
cell in the body.
• Cleansing the body by removing heavy metals, pollutants and foreign bodies
Bottom line, Glutathione is a critical component for healthy cells, tissue, body systems
and overall health. Studies have show that as the body ages or enters a disease state Glutathione levels can become significantly depleted. Additionally studies have shown that taking Glutathione directly does not raise Glutathione levels in the cells.
Based on all the research the best way to support Glutathione levels in the body is to ingest the components needed to create Glutathione, which include: cysteine, glycine and glutamine. These compounds are not only the building blocks for Glutathione but help
create a “glutathione production state” within the body.
Enter Agel GSH. GSH was specifically designed to include all the building blocks of Glutathione and the ingredients needed to maintain the body’s production of Glutathione. With scientifically proven ingredients coupled with the revolutionary Suspension Gel
delivery system, GSH is unmatched at assisting the body with Glutathione production.
Every single ingredient in GSH has incredible positive effects on the body and each ingredient plays a pivotal role in the production of Glutathione, but when brought
together the synergistic effects are amplified. The following outlines why each ingredient was chosen and how it can support your Glutathione production and your life.
Safflower seed oil has been in use for thousands of years. Its early use was primarily restricted to cooking and folk medicine. However, its impressive nutritional benefits in
relation to supporting glutathione production have been clinically proven.
Glycine is one of the 20 most common standard amino acids and is necessary for normal human function and protein production. Glycine is a critical ingredient in Glutathione production and is the simplest of all the naturally-occurring amino acids.
N-Acetyl L-Cysteine is an important sulfur-based amino acid that is necessary for the production of glutathione. It is the most efficient of all the dietary ingredients for
Glutathione production. It is also the more bioavailable, acetylated form of the amino acid L-Cysteine.
While L-Cysteine can be found in many different food sources (primarily animal) that are part of a normal diet, the more bioavailable N-Acetyl L-Cysteine cannot, so it must beobtained through supplementation.
Product Label
Great health starts on the cellular level, which is exactly where GSH works. GSH was designed to preserve glutathione levels in your cells. Glutathione is extremely important for maintaining intracellular health because of its strong antioxidant effects and the ability to remove chemicals and pollutants on a cellular level. As we age and when we get sick
our glutathione levels decrease—GSH helps keep them at healthy levels. By supporting glutathione levels and attacking the problem at the source, GSH is a powerful ally that keeps you feeling healthy and vibrant. *
Vitamin C also plays an important role in glutathione production because it maximizes the ability of N-Acetyl L-Cysteine to move from one cell to the next. It also assists in conserving already existing glutathione reserves within the cells. Vitamin C is one of the most wellknown vitamins in existence today.
N-Acetyl D-Glucosamine is an acetylated derivative of glucose, and is commonly found in
dietary supplements. N-Acetyl D-Glucosamine is a key compound in many of the body structures such as tendons, ligaments, blood vessels and more. It also plays an important
role in supporting the body’s ability to create and store glutathione.
Cordyceps sinensis Mycelium Extract is a fungus complex that is highly prized by practitioners of traditional folk medicines. Cordyceps can have a broad range of pharmacological and biological actions on the body, including anti-oxidation activity
to support glutathione. Modern research indicates that the Cordyceps sinensis is beneficial for the heart, lung, liver, renal, and immune system.
Alpha Lipoic Acid is an important fatty acid which is found within the body’s cells, where it helps convert glucose into energy. However, it is most important as an antioxidant. In 1988, alpha lipoic acid was shown to have powerful antioxidant abilities that are as potent as CoQ-10, Vitamin C, and Vitamin E. Other antioxidants work only in water (such as vitamin
C) or fatty tissues (such as vitamin E), but alpha-lipoic acid is both fat- and water-soluble, which means it can work throughout the body. Antioxidants in the body (such as glutathione) are used up as they attack free radicals, but alpha-lipoic acid may help regenerate these
antioxidants and make them active again.
Once GSH has performed it’s role as an antioxidant, Selenium acts as a catalyst in the reaction that causes two oxidized GSH molecules (GS) to combine into one Glutathione
disulfide (GSSG). From there, GSSG can be reduced into two new GSH molecules.
Quercetin is a substance found in fruits, vegetables, leaves and grains, and it is a strong antioxidant which helps support glutathione. Quercetin also helps stabilize the cells, as well
as potential support for brain, liver, and kidney function.
Turmeric Root grows wild in the forests of southern Asia including India, Indonesia, and nearby countries, and has been used for thousands of years. Turmeric has been traditionally used to improve digestion, relieve gas, cleanse and strengthen the liver, along with many
other common uses. Turmeric is currently being studied for modern health benefits.
L-Glutamine is an amino acid which plays a role in a variety of body functions including protein synthesis, regulation of acid-base balance in the kidney by producing ammonium, and cellular energy (along with glucose). Glutamine has been studied extensively and has been shown to be useful in treatment of injuries, trauma, burns, and treatment-related
side-effects of cancer as well as in wound healing for postoperative patients.
Milk thistle seed is part of the milk thistle plant, which has been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years. Europeans were among the first to use milk thistle seeds as an herb to support liver function, but the plant’s remedial capabilities have been known since ancient times. Today, milk thistle is still one of the most commonly used medicinal plants in the world, and clinical research has shown that milk thistle has a wide range of therapeutic
applications, particularly in protecting the liver.
Glutathione is a critical for your immune system, detoxification system and is a key component to keeping yourself healthy and boosting your performance. You cannot directly supplement it. The only way to maintain the levels of Glutathione in your body is to give
the body what it needs to create it and you can do this with GSH
Safety Cautions
Key Ingredients
Calcium Ascorbate, Vitamin D, Selenium, Glycine, N-Acetyl L-Cysteine, N-Acetyl
D-Glucosamine, Cordyceps sinensis Mycelium Ext, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Quercetin
Turmeric Root Ext, L-Glutamine, Milk Thistle Seed Ext.
1. Pregnant or lactating women (or those planning pregnancy) should consult their
physician prior to using this product.
2. If you are planning a surgery, disclose use of Agel GSH and all other dietary
supplements to your physician.
3. A dosage of one Agel GSH packet a day can be safely used by most people, unless
there is a specific reason not to use this product.
4. GSH is intended for adult use. Not for children. It is not intended for use in individuals
under 18 years of age, unless directed by a physician
Age Guidelines
Newborn Birth to one month of age - Not recommended for use
Infant One month to 2 years - Not recommended for use
Child 2 years to 12 years - Not recommended for use
Adolescent 12 years to 18 years - Check physician before use
Adult 18 years and older - 1 packet daily
Agel Guidelines
1 Individual conditions should be considered when considering use, including weight,
sex, pre-existing medical conditions, sensitivity or allergic reactions to ingredients and
use of prescription medication or other drugs.
2 Individuals should begin Agel product use with one Agel product at the lowest dosage
and increase dosage and add other complementary Agel products as needed.
Product Shelf Life
Agel GSH has a shelf life of 18 months when stored under ambient conditions
Patent Pending Suspension Gel Technology.
Nutritional Supplement
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Some Episode from those who have consume Agel UMI & Agel EXO
"I was diagnosed with lung cancer stage 4 in early 2008. During the Chinese New Year in 2008
I was admitted to Singapore General Hospital (SGH) and was then transferred to a hospice in March 2008.
I was on medication and chemotherapy to kill as many cancer cells as possible, as well as prolong mt life
span. However, all the while, I was in pain and could not eat properly.
On 10 July 2008, I was introduced to Agel's core products - EXO and UMI. I was still in pain during that time but 30 minutes after consuming the products, the pain was gone. By 10 August 2008, although I was still weak and required assistance from nurses to go to washroom, I was able to chat more and sit up in bed
much longer without pain.
On 6 October 2008, I was transferred to a nursing home. By then, I was able to walk around without asistance. I was able to carry things on my own and I could also eat properly.
Today I am so happy and glad. I am so THANKFUL to GOD for Agel UMI & EXO for giving me hope, a second chance to live kife to the fullest once again. I believe thar UMI & EXO - have played an important part in helping me to improve my health. I believe it can help anybody with any health problems or even just for general body maintenence."
Tan Chut, Singapore
more episode coming.....
*These statement have not been evaluated by Food and Drug Administration. The Products are not intend
to dignose,treat,cure nor prevent any diease or sickness
Are you concern of keeping yourself healthy physically and Financially?
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